Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen
German Punk

A Spanish concert guitar with 'three-quarter scale', a tiny acoustic bass with nylon strings, a minimalist drum kit, 2 distortion pedals, and 3 voices - ACHT EIMER HÜHNERHERZEN have not significantly changed the nylon punk style of their debut album - rather varied and specified it.
'There is always room for sadness in this beautiful transience,' says the second album, which says a lot about the new work, which sensibly also bears the title 'album'. What can be heard on it is certainly not fleeting and not really sad either, but the mood is more serious and skeptical than on the debut two years ago. ACHT EIMER HÜHNERHERZEN have evolved, as one can evolve when one is actually too disturbed and dysfunctional for the laws of pop music and a second album.